University Of Exeter

University Of Exeter

Illustrative ground floor plan

Heavitree Road developer gets sixth pitch for student/co-living complex

Eight design iterations, six council meetings, four consultation rounds and two deferrals combine to impede public participation in planning process on key Liveable Exeter site and increase chances of decision being overturned at appeal.

Exeter City Futures website - vision & mission summary

University emissions study confirms Net Zero Exeter plan redundancy

Council retains Exeter City Futures’ services despite history of delivery failures and lack of capacity to support defined decarbonisation targets.

Greenhouse gas protocol for cities - sources and boundaries of city greenhouse gas emissions (scale)

Exeter greenhouse gas report disregards hundreds of thousands of tonnes of annual city emissions

Restricted scope of study misrepresents scale of city’s impact to produce partial decarbonisation targets while ignoring opportunities to reduce emissions imported by residents, businesses and visitors, guaranteeing net zero failure.

Exeter 2020 net internal migration by age group bar chart

Exeter beset by unaffordable housing, low graduate retention and economically inactive over 50’s

Exeter City Council executive ignores key challenges flagged in major council-commissioned employment and skills research report.

Sally Ride, America's first woman astronaut communicates with ground controllers from the flight deck


PRISM Exeter Pride month queer science celebration

Devon network champions LGBTQIA+ STEMM contributors and the impact they have had on young people in queer science competition.


Exeter student house in multiple occupation

Council consultants confirm 58% of Exeter’s university students live in city’s residential housing stock

2021-22 university figures suggest there are now more than 4,500 student HMOs in the city, consistent with ONS findings, with number set to surpass Exeter’s council housing provision.

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