Marsh Barton railway station opening date not set despite completed works
Works at Marsh Barton railway station are now complete but an opening date will not be set until regulatory approval for its use is granted.
Marsh Barton railway station opening delayed until summer
Marsh Barton railway station is now not expected to open until the summer following more project completion delays.
Future of Devon bus services being decided behind closed doors
Devon County Council does not want the public to hear whether local service improvements are going according to plan.
Figures show Exeter Central station busier than Exeter St David’s
New figures show that 2.2 million people used Exeter Central railway station in the year to March 2022, making it the 155th busiest of 2,569 UK railway stations and (slightly) busier than Exeter St David’s.
Marsh Barton railway station opening delayed yet again
The opening of Marsh Barton railway station has been delayed yet again, to “this spring”, putting project completion more than six years behind schedule.
Second round of Devon Levelling Up funding announced
The second round of Devon “Levelling Up” funding has been announced, with Exmouth Gateway and an Appledore maritime research centre to receive £16 million each.