Public Realm

High Court rally

Dartmoor landowner seeks Supreme Court ruling to prevent wild camping

Alexander and Diana Darwell, owners of 4,000 acre Blachford Estate, aim to overturn appeal court ruling restoring access rights championed by Dartmoor National Park Authority and campaign group Open Spaces Society.

Musgrave Row Part 7 restrictions area

Musgrave Row pedestrian zone marred by moving traffic offences

Survey suggests 30,000 prohibited private cars pass through street each year as a result of confusing signage, inconsistent restrictions and lack of enforcement.

JCDecaux illuminated street advertising screen

Planning inspectors uphold decisions to refuse illuminated city centre advertising screens

Appeal dismissals conclude JCDecaux “multifunction hubs” would materially harm character, appearance and visual amenity and have “very limited” benefits in Sidwell Street, Paris Street and South Street with High Street hub decision to follow.

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Heavitree & Whipton active streets trial scheme map

Heavitree & Whipton Active Streets trial consultation to restart as taxi bus gate use introduced

More than 4,000 responses submitted in first eleven weeks with 1,650 people attending public exhibitions on scheme intended to reduce motor vehicle through traffic and increase walking and cycling.

Exeter City Council litter bin

Council to remove a quarter of city’s 800 litter bins

It says many are under-used because they are in the wrong place or too close to other bins, and that city centre bins will be ‘largely unaffected’.

Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme modal filter illustration

New Heavitree & Whipton Active Streets scheme public exhibitions

Devon County Council is holding two further public exhibitions to promote the scheme from 4.30-6.30pm on 12 September at Whipton Community Hall and 14 September at St Mark’s Church Hall.

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