Planning & Place

Planning & Place

University of Exeter St Luke's campus boundary aerial view

University seeks views on St Luke’s campus redevelopment

Eleven acre teaching and research site between Heavitree Road and Magdalen Road to become ‘health and wellbeing’ campus and may include student accommodation.

Clifton Hill sports centre development site

Clifton Hill sports centre site - with adjacent green space - and Mary Arches car park set for sale for PBSA

Reversal of policy to prohibit Purpose Built Student Accommodation on city council land proposed to cover expected £9 million outstanding Exeter City Living debt, with £800,000 budget proposed for site disposal costs.

Illustrative elevations facing Cowley Bridge Road

City council approves Cowley Bridge Road student blocks on former Johnsons site

350 bedspaces in four blocks up to six storeys tall to be built on windfall site left vacant after 2020 fire at former laundry and workwear factory.

JCDecaux illuminated street advertising screen

Planning inspectors uphold decisions to refuse illuminated city centre advertising screens

Appeal dismissals conclude JCDecaux “multifunction hubs” would materially harm character, appearance and visual amenity and have “very limited” benefits in Sidwell Street, Paris Street and South Street with High Street hub decision to follow.

, updated

Seabrook Orchards phase three illustration

Seabrook Orchards development plans submitted one house short of key planning condition threshold

Residents group says Bloor Homes application does not address pedestrian and cycle connectivity and is ‘seeking to actively avoid delivery’ of agreed transport infrastructure.

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