Planning & Place
Policy on extensions and building lines on corner plot sites - illustrative diagram

City council seeks comments on draft Householder’s Guide to extensions and alterations

Policy covers size and position, materials, boundary relationships, loft conversions, dormers, solar panels and roof terraces, among other residential development design considerations.

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Proposed south elevation

Plans for flats in back gardens of Longbrook Street student HMOs submitted for approval

Application for six-bed three-storey block on what is now car park used by commuters does not address neighbourhood plan community balance concerns.

Southgate development site plan

Southgate development of up to 200 new flats on Magdalen Street car park to alter Western Way gyratory

Screening opinion concludes no significant environmental impact will result from Liveable Exeter scheme.

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Proposed Summerland Street co-living block illustrative aerial view

Revised proposals for Summerland Street “co-living” block submitted

Developer of 147-bedspace six storey scheme on city council land claims it will contribute to local housing need, ensure ‘mixed and balanced communities’ and enhance the local conservation area.

Illustrative elevation facing St Luke's campus

Developer appeals Heavitree Road police station and magistrates court student/co-living blocks refusal

Devon & Cornwall Police and Crime Commissioner and offshore-registered PBSA Heavitree Road S.A.R.L. seek to overturn Exeter City Council decision to reject application for 964-bed development beside The Gorge.

City council seeks feedback on council housing strategy

Exeter City Council is seeking feedback on a draft 2023-27 council housing strategy that will guide the way it manages its stock of 4,800 rented homes and 1,000 leasehold properties over the next five years.

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