Liveable Exeter Place Board

City council outsourcing Exeter local government to unaccountable Liveable Exeter Place Board
An Exeter Observer investigation of Liveable Exeter Place Board has found that it is a de facto decision-making and governance body which exercises public functions with the potential to affect everyone who lives and works in Exeter.

Freedom of information requests reveal Liveable Exeter Place Board “chumocracy” overseeing the city
Despite the significance of Liveable Exeter Place Board’s role in determining the city’s future, its members are selected and appointed on a secretive, informal basis.

Council pushes back on Liveable Exeter Place Board scrutiny following membership change
Exeter City Council has responded to an enquiry about disproportionate Church of England representation on the Liveable Exeter Place Board by accusing Exeter Observer of promoting a ‘partisan narrative’ and claiming our public interest reporting ‘bears no resemblance to fact’.

Hospital creates parking for 200 cars despite city climate crisis goals
Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital says new parking “temporary” but no end-date given in planning application and no hard evidence of need provided.

Exeter City Council executive members take direct control of city planning decisions
Council’s executive now possesses majority on city planning committee, with council leader and planning portfolio holder also included despite national guidance, offering basis to challenge decisions and increasing democratic deficit.