Exeter City Centre

Exeter City Centre

Musgrave House flats to return to commercial use

Proposals to convert nine city centre housing association flats in Musgrave Row to commercial use have been submitted to Exeter City Council.

Musgrave Row Part 7 restrictions area

Musgrave Row pedestrian zone marred by moving traffic offences

Survey suggests 30,000 prohibited private cars pass through street each year as a result of confusing signage, inconsistent restrictions and lack of enforcement.

Corner of Fore Street and West Street with St Mary Steps church in the background

Developers claim council planning committee refusal was “if not malevolent, certainly misguided”

Appeal against decision to deny fifth additional storey in build-to-rent scheme above Crankhouse Coffee accuses councillors of seeking to “appease the weight of objectors’ orchestrated opinion” against amendments to eleven year-old consent.

Southgate development site heritage map

Secretary of State overturns council decision to waive Southgate site Environmental Impact Assessment

Proposals for up to 200 flats in high-rise tower blocks have potentially significant impacts on Exe Estuary avian flightpaths, Exeter Cathedral skyline, listed buildings and ancient city walls placing protected landscapes and heritage assets at risk.

JCDecaux illuminated street advertising screen

Planning inspectors uphold decisions to refuse illuminated city centre advertising screens

Appeal dismissals conclude JCDecaux “multifunction hubs” would materially harm character, appearance and visual amenity and have “very limited” benefits in Sidwell Street, Paris Street and South Street with High Street hub decision to follow.

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Reclaim the Night Exeter Thursday 30 November 2023 Positive Lights Project


Reclaim the Night 2023

A protest against sexual violence and harassment of women and girls in public space.


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