
101-bed “co-living” complex proposed in the heart of St James
Council vision for city’s future on collision course with neighbourhood plan policies in Victoria Street scheme described as “yet more student housing by stealth”.

New Community Infrastructure Levy charges to be introduced by city council
Charges levied on most new development towards the cost of infrastructure that is needed to mitigate its impact are to change in line with council proposals that discount co-living development to facilitate its delivery.

Council student accommodation policy proposals overlook 50-80% of student-occupied housing stock
Article 4 direction & HMO SPD consultation omits key information, confuses licensing and planning matters, misrepresents NPPF requirements and proposes barely discernible changes in place of needed new Exeter Local Plan policies.

Council development levy changes are insufficiently evidenced and don’t meet city infrastructure needs
Exeter City Council and Liveable Exeter partners impose faulty typology driven by policy objectives while ignoring new local plan, evidence base and statutory funding statement and excluding residential and retail charges from review.