Exeter Observer's essential free email newsletter
Exeter Digest #17: Haven Banks redevelopment - Liveable Exeter investment zones - Council borrowing
Our essential newsletter also includes a curated selection of community and culture events and a new Exeter Local Plan consultation briefing.
Exeter Digest #16: Co-living costs - Summerland Street tower - Car free day ignored
Our essential newsletter also includes a selection of community and culture events and signposts our briefing on the new Exeter Local Plan.
Exeter Digest #15: Bus back better? - Net zero redundancy - Development fund under fire
Our bumper holiday newsletter also covers a St James’ HMO appeal, planning enforcement changes, scope 3 emissions failure, cycling and walking strategy delays and property development promotion as community planning participation.
Exeter Digest #14: Exeter beset - Alphington impacts - Magdalen Road - Community involvement?
Our essential newsletter also covers continuing Exeter Development Fund scrutiny, missing meetings minutes from Exeter City Futures and Devon Climate Emergency Response Group, Liveable Exeter confusion and local design code reforms.
Exeter Digest #13: Flowerpot Playing Fields under threat - Scrutiny circumvention continues - Kidical Mass rides into town
Our thirteenth newsletter also covers city council spending on Instagram influencers, museum-fronted property development promotion, reports on local democracy and the role of councils in climate action and a government inquiry into the sustainability of local journalism.