
Stories that explore key issues behind the headlines

Devon County Council Cabinet meeting on 13 November 2024

2024-25 SEND overspend rises to £45.8m as government “safety valve” deal target breach doubles to £14.7m in two months

County council breaches Local Government Act by failing to publish budget documents in time for scrutiny and cabinet meetings and councillors complain about missing financial information and being “kept in the dark” about SEND delivery.

Vaughan Road development site phase two groundworks

Council to mothball Exeter City Living Vaughan Road flats after first phase leaving £2.75m groundworks fenced off

Twelve year-old plan to rebuild remaining pre-war Laing’s Easiform council houses in Buddle Lane estate to be seen through to completion instead, as undelivered local housing promises finally collide with reality.

Musgrave Row Part 7 restrictions area

Musgrave Row pedestrian zone marred by moving traffic offences

Survey suggests 30,000 prohibited private cars pass through street each year as a result of confusing signage, inconsistent restrictions and lack of enforcement.

Grace Road Fields in morning mist

Council to sell part of Grace Road Fields for heating plant and annexe rest for Water Lane redevelopment

New Exeter Local Plan “strategic mixed use” housing policy allocation to supersede planned campsite and outdoor event space, woodland planting and new canal basin at fifteen acre ex-playing field in Riverside Valley Park.

Illustrative view of development beside Gabriel's Wharf

Revised Water Lane redevelopment plans submitted for outline approval

Application for up to 980 dwellings and up to 320 student bedspaces with 40,000m2 of other uses on ex-industrial site between railway embankment and Exeter Ship Canal obfuscates numerous key issues.

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