Exeter City Council-run Visit Exeter is promoting tourist visits to Exeter by plane from Scotland to Exeter Airport.
Its greenhouse gas emissions inventory excludes aviation emissions from the city’s carbon footprint.
Martin Redfern
Exeter City Council-run Visit Exeter is promoting tourist visits to Exeter by plane from Scotland to Exeter Airport.
Its greenhouse gas emissions inventory excludes aviation emissions from the city’s carbon footprint.
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£600,000 Exeter Leisure services budget cut signed off two weeks before pool consultation opened as St Sidwell’s Point drains other council leisure sites.
Disposal motivated by replacement of nine year-old supercomputer with £1.2 billion government-funded off-site Microsoft facility.
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5.9% budget increase for 2025-26 conceals £22 million cuts and £66 million cost increases with “inevitable” impact on “vital” services.
Company admits River Exe water source connection merely “potential” after 2036, incinerator connection only “possible” after 2030 and solar array “will not” meet plant electricity demand while statutory objections challenge Grace Road Fields plans.
Materially misleading claims that 60% of ticket sales revenue goes to good causes repeatedly made on lottery website and in official council communications as Australian multinational profits from local voluntary and community sector support.