Transport Infrastructure

Transport Infrastructure

Devon County Council to receive share of active travel grant

Devon County Council is to receive a £580,000 share of a £32.9 million government grant intended to create a “national network of active travel experts” to support the development of cycling and walking infrastructure.

Exeter adults who do any walking or cycling for any purpose 2016 to 2021 bar chart

Figures show declining Exeter walking and cycling rates as active travel delivery falls by the wayside

County council plans to remove Queen Street active travel infrastructure despite road space reallocation commitments expose equivocal city transport policy aim.

Magdalen Road public consultation results option preferences bar chart

£900,000 to keep Magdalen Road one-way system despite decisive public support for low traffic street

County council misrepresented and omitted key public consultation findings in report and did not publish results until after decision taken in favour of option with only 18% public support. Exeter Observer snapshot survey finds 90%+ motor vehicles passing shops are through traffic.

Pulling Road Pinhoe Exeter zero carbon housing development site plan

Exeter’s first “zero carbon” housing development includes 96 car parking spaces for 40 homes

Exeter City Council has approved plans to develop land at Pinhoe with a parking ratio of 2.4 cars per household as part of an ‘exemplar scheme for future residential development in the city’ while accepting that zero carbon construction comes “at a cost to the provision of affordable housing”.

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