St Sidwell's Point
St Sidwell's Point cafe

City council sustainable food policy is a climate crisis red herring

Proposed changes don’t apply to council meetings or most council food provision and are expected to have unquantifiably small impact while diverting resources from major decarbonisation challenges.

Exeter city centre retail area map 2017 and 2022 CDRC data

Is the grass really greener in Exeter city centre?

Academic research placing Exeter retail area at top of green space table was nationally reported, locally misrepresented then repurposed as booster fuel by local politicians overlooking study’s social justice focus.

Exeter City Council government borrowing 2014-2022 bar chart

Council borrowing nearly triples in three years as property acquisition and development loans mount

Freedom of information request reveals five paragraph “outline business plan” for £55 million Guildhall shopping centre investment.

How to inflate housing costs and influence people

Despite Exeter’s rapidly worsening housing crisis, the council has continued its relentless promotion of the city as a destination to potential incomers by commissioning a coterie of Instagram influencers to flog the place to their followers after spending a May weekend here.

Shops to let on Exeter High Street

Do Exeter Labour election campaign claims stand up to scrutiny? Part II: Economy & city centre

The second in our 2022 local elections series examines Exeter Labour claims about the city centre and Exeter’s wider economy, including its misrepresentation of content marketing materials as authoritative sources of information about the city.

Bonanza on the buses

There was no shortage of hyperbole to accompany last Sunday’s opening of Exeter’s glamorous new bus station.

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