St Sidwell's Point

City council holds sham Northbrook swimming pool closure consultation
£600,000 Exeter Leisure services budget cut signed off two weeks before pool consultation opened as St Sidwell’s Point drains other council leisure sites.

Council cuts and post-pandemic working prompt downsizing plan as small offices replace Paris Street Citypoint vision
Proposed move to Guildhall shopping centre, Phoenix arts venue and Oakwood House intended to enable Civic Centre site redevelopment as council claims £100,000 costings report and capital spending to come at “no cost to council taxpayers”.

Auditor broadens inquiry to include Exeter City Futures and ex-CEO secondment to liquidated company
More “significant weaknesses” found in city council governance and financial and performance management arrangements while St Sidwell’s Point valued at £7 million less than build cost and £370,000 ex-CEO final year pay and benefits confirmed.

Council plans huge allotment fees increases to claw back cash from 1,500 city gardeners and growers
Plot holders provided with incomplete picture as consultation held which does not comply with council’s own charter and delayed scrutiny report that omits key survey findings suggests council aims to turn profit from allotment provision.
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