Sport & Leisure

Sport & Leisure

Aerial view of Wonford community learning centre and sports centre

Plans for unfunded £7 million Wonford community hub redevelopment approved

Exeter City Council approves own planning application to demolish, rebuild and part-refurbish existing community and sports facilities beside Ludwell Valley Park.

King George V playing fields proposed-layout aerial view

Exeter City Community Trust survey misses mark on King George V playing fields development plans

Council promised “wide-ranging, fully open public consultation” on future of 40 acre public open space when decision made to transfer land to trust, while outcome of statutory consultation on disposal remains unpublished.

Flowerpot Fields revised proposed floor plan keyframe

Exeter College amends Flowerpot Fields plans to replace two of six classrooms with changing rooms

Revisions submitted during building construction also show two rooms described as “changing rooms” and “overflow sports training and education space”, both with unobscured full-height classroom windows and no shower facilities.

Construction in progress at Flowerpot Fields

Exeter College ploughs on with Flowerpot Fields classrooms construction amid mounting public anger

Exeter Civic Society cites Court of Appeal judgements to challenge legality of unapproved River Valley Park scheme revisions as protestors disrupt Exeter City Council Guildhall meeting.

Site of demolished changing rooms at Flowerpot Fields

Exeter College seeks to replace planned Flowerpot Fields sports pavilion with dedicated teaching facility

Revisions to consented scheme that includes fencing, floodlighting and replacement of publicly-accessible playing fields with artificial turf no longer reinstate demolished changing rooms or provide equipment storage or pitch viewing facilities.

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