Public Consultations
Exeter borough and Exeter East & Exmouth county constituency boundary changes final proposals combined map

Pinhoe, St Loye’s and Topsham all in new Exeter East & Exmouth constituency under revised changes

Final boundary commission consultation follows city council proposal to move marginal Pinhoe to safe Conservative seat and keep Priory Labour stronghold in city.

Illustrative ground floor plan

Heavitree Road developer gets sixth pitch for student/co-living complex

Eight design iterations, six council meetings, four consultation rounds and two deferrals combine to impede public participation in planning process on key Liveable Exeter site and increase chances of decision being overturned at appeal.

Computer generated aerial view of proposed development from south

Flood risk threatens to sink Haven Banks redevelopment plans

Proposals for 434 rental units accommodating up to 1,167 people on 1.7 hectare Liveable Exeter site would deliver extreme housing densities that deny amenity to prospective occupants while inflicting significant impacts on existing residents.

New Exeter local plan cover

New Exeter Local Plan outline draft consultation

Our guide to Exeter City Council’s consultation as well as the national planning system reform threatening major changes that would require significant revision to the new plan before its submission to the planning inspectorate.

, updated

Liveable Exeter community engagement with council development director Ian Collinson

Property development promotion as community planning participation

If the Liveable Exeter property development scheme and its Exeter Development Fund financing vehicle are already intended to ‘anchor and underpin’ the new Exeter Local Plan, what will public consultation on the plan decide?

Church Road traffic congestions

Alphington “enhancements” will not mitigate traffic impact from massive South West Exeter extension

County council manipulates public consultation and allocates just 1% of £55 million grant to pedestrian scheme while spending 75% on new roads and increased road capacity for 3,500 new cars expected on greenfield housing estate.

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