Public Consultations

Public Consultations

Exeter City Council community grants budgets bar chart

Council slashes community grants but splashes cash on paddling pools in contested wards

Exeter grants programme budget reduced from £425,000 to £15,000 leaving hundreds of grassroots groups out in the cold as the impact of borrowing takes its toll and council fails to consult on budget cuts despite auditor recommendation.

Devon County Council seeks comments on adult social care proposals

Devon County Council is consulting on its draft proposals for adult social care provision until 19 March.

Devon County Council seeks views on draft Exeter walking and cycling plan

Devon County Council is holding a public consultation on its draft Exeter Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, which is already nearly six years late, until the end of March.

Co-living - discover a new way to rent

Council development levy changes are insufficiently evidenced and don’t meet city infrastructure needs

Exeter City Council and Liveable Exeter partners impose faulty typology driven by policy objectives while ignoring new local plan, evidence base and statutory funding statement and excluding residential and retail charges from review.

Exeter City Living seeks views on Exeter Ship Canal head redevelopment

Exeter City Living is consulting on proposals to redevelop a large council-owned site at the head of Exeter Ship Canal, which includes the Exe Water Sports Association clubhouse, the headquarters of local cycling charity Ride On and the adjacent boat yard.

National planning policy consultation has major Exeter Local Plan implications

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is consulting on proposals to update the National Planning Policy Framework via the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill.

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