Public Consultations

New North Road bus gate consultation

Devon County Council is consulting until 14 August on proposals to convert a short stretch of cycle lane in New North Road alongside John Lewis into a bus and cycle lane to reduce bus journey times.

Alphington village active travel consultation

Devon County Council is holding a second consultation until 26 July on proposals it says will “improve facilities for active travel” in Alphington village between the Alphin Brook roundabout and the double mini roundabout at the Shillingford Road turn.

Casting House Water Lane development site compulsory purchase

Compulsory purchase of flats and disposal of council land to enable Water Lane development site access

Exeter City Council to use powers to provide developer with land for new highways layout at gateway to proposed low-traffic neighbourhood.

Exeter City Council consultants' Article 4 direction area report option 3 map

Council student accommodation policy proposals overlook 50-80% of student-occupied housing stock

Article 4 direction & HMO SPD consultation omits key information, confuses licensing and planning matters, misrepresents NPPF requirements and proposes barely discernible changes in place of needed new Exeter Local Plan policies.

Exeter City Living holds Glasshouse Lane redevelopment consultation

Exeter City Living is holding a public consultation on its Glasshouse Lane redevelopment plans, which have been revised following public feedback.

University invites views on future of Lower Hoopern Valley

The University of Exeter is inviting local residents to express their views on the future of Lower Hoopern Valley.

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