Public Consultations

Public Consultations

Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme modal filter illustration

New Heavitree & Whipton Active Streets scheme public exhibitions

Devon County Council is holding two further public exhibitions to promote the scheme from 4.30-6.30pm on 12 September at Whipton Community Hall and 14 September at St Mark’s Church Hall.

County council seeks views on moving traffic offence enforcement powers

Devon County Council is [holding a public consultation until 18 September on its plans to adopt moving traffic offence enforcement powers and introduce Automatic Number Place Recognition (ANPR) cameras.

Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme illustration

Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme trial begins

The first six months, to 2 February 2024, are a statutory consultation period during which residents and organisations are invited to comment on the scheme.

City council invites comments on digital customer service transformation

Exeter City Council is inviting comments until 15 September on a draft digital customer service strategy that aims to make more efficient use of council resources by increasing its reliance on digital technology for service delivery.

Great Western Railway plans to shut all ticket offices receive hostile reception

Great Western Railway plans to shut all its ticket offices by the end of next year, including those at Exeter Central and Exeter St David’s, have received a near-universally hostile reception.

Climate strategy consultation receives just 200 responses

A two-month public consultation on the draft Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly climate adaptation strategy which will attempt to minimise the impact of climate change on the South West peninsula only received just over 200 responses from the 1.75 million people who live in the region.

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