Public Consultations

Public Consultations

Policy on extensions and building lines on corner plot sites - illustrative diagram

City council seeks comments on draft Householder’s Guide to extensions and alterations

Policy covers size and position, materials, boundary relationships, loft conversions, dormers, solar panels and roof terraces, among other residential development design considerations.

, updated

City council seeks feedback on council housing strategy

Exeter City Council is seeking feedback on a draft 2023-27 council housing strategy that will guide the way it manages its stock of 4,800 rented homes and 1,000 leasehold properties over the next five years.

Illustrative view of the development

Plans for eighteen “zero carbon” bungalows on Church Hill field submitted for approval

Low density development proposal on unallocated site above Pinhoe conflicts with local plan policies intended to protect Exeter’s northern hills and landscape setting.

Proposed floor plans and elevations

Plans for PBSA in back garden of Pennsylvania Road student HMO submitted for approval

Application for six-bed two-storey block cites neighbouring student block in back garden beside Devonshire Place orchard and play area as precedent.

Victoria Street co-living proposal illustrative view

101-bed “co-living” complex proposed in the heart of St James

Council vision for city’s future on collision course with neighbourhood plan policies in Victoria Street scheme described as “yet more student housing by stealth”.

Illustrative view of proposed development

Water Lane redevelopment outline plans submitted to city council for approval

Up to 980 dwellings and 40,000m2 of other uses including student accommodation, workspace, education, retail and a hotel envisaged on ex-industrial site between railway embankment and the canal.

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