Public Consultations
University of Exeter St Luke's campus boundary aerial view

University seeks views on St Luke’s campus redevelopment

Eleven acre teaching and research site between Heavitree Road and Magdalen Road to become ‘health and wellbeing’ campus and may include student accommodation.

Heavitree & Whipton active streets trial scheme map

Heavitree & Whipton Active Streets trial consultation to restart as taxi bus gate use introduced

More than 4,000 responses submitted in first eleven weeks with 1,650 people attending public exhibitions on scheme intended to reduce motor vehicle through traffic and increase walking and cycling.

New Exeter local plan graphic

City council holds consultation on full draft of new Exeter Local Plan, set to guide development to 2040

Second major consultation begins as government introduces sweeping national planning system reforms including transfer of powers to Whitehall and changes to scope of local plans and local plan-making processes.

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New Exeter Local Plan Water Lane site allocation map

Water Lane SPD consultation opens in parallel with local plan survey

Policy intends to provide development framework and design code for 90 acre site on which 1,600 new dwellings plus employment space expected by 2040.

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Policy on extensions and building lines on corner plot sites - illustrative diagram

City council seeks comments on draft Householder’s Guide to extensions and alterations

Policy covers size and position, materials, boundary relationships, loft conversions, dormers, solar panels and roof terraces, among other residential development design considerations.

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City council seeks feedback on council housing strategy

Exeter City Council is seeking feedback on a draft 2023-27 council housing strategy that will guide the way it manages its stock of 4,800 rented homes and 1,000 leasehold properties over the next five years.

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