Public Consultations

Public Consultations

Illustrative view of development beside Gabriel's Wharf

Revised Water Lane redevelopment plans submitted for outline approval

Application for up to 980 dwellings and up to 320 student bedspaces with 40,000m2 of other uses on ex-industrial site between railway embankment and Exeter Ship Canal obfuscates numerous key issues.

Devon County Council Devon and Torbay devolution deal consultation results bar chart

County council to impose new local government tier despite majority opposition to devolution deal

Emptiness of claims that new combined authority will be accountable reflected in failure to respect consultation results as all eight Devon district councils decry prospective democratic deficit.

Devon & Torbay Combined County Authority governance structure diagram

Devon devolution deal to create unaccountable local government layer for paltry £16 million payoff

Democratic deficit to increase as city and district councils lose control over housing and prosperity funding and transport policy powers moved out of reach, while county council plans to approve deal irrespective of public consultation outcome.

Liveable Exeter Placemaking Charter cover image

Liveable Exeter Placemaking Charter consultation skewed towards only one of five “core tools”

Private developers’ forum and other major components of new charter not mentioned in council communications, but transparency and new “culture of openness” to “help build trust in the planning system” emphasised throughout.

Exeter City Council allotment fees increases 2016 to 2024 line graph

Council plans huge allotment fees increases to claw back cash from 1,500 city gardeners and growers

Plot holders provided with incomplete picture as consultation held which does not comply with council’s own charter and delayed scrutiny report that omits key survey findings suggests council aims to turn profit from allotment provision.

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