Paris Street

Council aims at Frasers Group Citypoint partnership after retail leaseholds sold as part of Princesshay deal
Mike Ashley-owned sports goods and retail group became Paris Street and Sidwell Street landlord in October, prompting council to rethink options for former bus station and revisit comprehensive redevelopment of wider site stalled since 2017.

Council cuts and post-pandemic working prompt downsizing plan as small offices replace Paris Street Citypoint vision
Proposed move to Guildhall shopping centre, Phoenix arts venue and Oakwood House intended to enable Civic Centre site redevelopment as council claims £100,000 costings report and capital spending to come at “no cost to council taxpayers”.

Planning inspectors uphold decisions to refuse illuminated city centre advertising screens
Appeal dismissals conclude JCDecaux “multifunction hubs” would materially harm character, appearance and visual amenity and have “very limited” benefits in Sidwell Street, Paris Street and South Street with High Street hub decision to follow.
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Maketank community arts centre closes after more than four years at the heart of Exeter cultural life
Crown Estate unwilling to renew lease after problems with roof preclude repairs in block scheduled for demolition as part of Citypoint redevelopment.

Ukrainian refugee support hub opens in Exeter city centre
Conversation Café pop-up offers information, resources, events and meeting space to help cut through the confusion surrounding the Homes for Ukraine scheme and enable Devon’s response to the crisis.

Prospects improve for pop-up Paris Street and Sidwell Street tenants wanting to stay on development site
Council leader Phil Bialyk says it will be “some years” before planned Citypoint redevelopment affects repurposed retail units, and that council “would want” to accommodate artistic and cultural initiatives and independent local businesses “should they wish to remain”.