Liveable Exeter

Liveable Exeter

Harlequins revised redevelopment scheme illustrative elevation

Developer says Harlequins “co-living” scheme viability requires on-site key worker accommodation removal

Proposal to shift financial risks on to city council comes four years after initial approval, citing falling property values and higher finance and construction costs.

Creative Arc seeks funding proposals

Exeter “place-based cultural solutions” vehicle Creative Arc is seeking final round funding proposals for city “innovation projects” that “create tangible, meaningful interventions” and can be delivered between October and March for less than £10,000.

Grace Road Fields in morning mist

Council to sell part of Grace Road Fields for heating plant and annexe rest for Water Lane redevelopment

New Exeter Local Plan “strategic mixed use” housing policy allocation to supersede planned campsite and outdoor event space, woodland planting and new canal basin at fifteen acre ex-playing field in Riverside Valley Park.

Water Lane Supplementary Planning Document adopted

Exeter City Council has adopted a supplementary planning policy document intended to govern development at the Water Lane brownfield redevelopment site.

Southgate development site heritage map

Secretary of State overturns council decision to waive Southgate site Environmental Impact Assessment

Proposals for up to 200 flats in high-rise tower blocks have potentially significant impacts on Exe Estuary avian flightpaths, Exeter Cathedral skyline, listed buildings and ancient city walls placing protected landscapes and heritage assets at risk.

Liveable Exeter Placemaking Charter cover image

Liveable Exeter Placemaking Charter consultation skewed towards only one of five “core tools”

Private developers’ forum and other major components of new charter not mentioned in council communications, but transparency and new “culture of openness” to “help build trust in the planning system” emphasised throughout.

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