Exeter City Council

Exeter City Council

Illustrative view of development beside Gabriel's Wharf

Revised Water Lane redevelopment plans submitted for outline approval

Application for up to 980 dwellings and up to 320 student bedspaces with 40,000m2 of other uses on ex-industrial site between railway embankment and Exeter Ship Canal obfuscates numerous key issues.

Exeter City Council 2023-24 unaudited statement of accounts cover image

Annual inspection period begins as unaudited 2023-24 city council accounts published

Special information access rights enabling residents to examine records apply until 12 July as two preceding years’ accounts still not signed off and auditor’s inquiry into council governance and financial and performance management continues.

Howell Road garage student block illustrative elevation

Howell Road garage for sale a week after student block redevelopment plans granted at appeal

Developer denied he would “spin in and spin out and take my profit” at planning committee that approved “backstop” plans for nine flats on site, saying student block was “what we want to build”.

Howell Road garage

26-bed Howell Road garage site student accommodation block allowed at appeal

St James Neighbourhood Plan community balance aims discounted and council policy and evidence deemed insufficient in inspector’s decision to overturn planning committee refusal.

Exeter Academy English language school in Sylvan Road, Pennsylvania

Plan to convert language school to nursery tests credibility of city council active travel policy

Exeter Academy sits near top of steep hill 250 feet above city, far from accessible bus and rail routes, but developer claims local plan compliance in ‘demonstrably sustainable location’ which is ‘conducive to sustainable modes of travel’.

Corner of Fore Street and West Street with St Mary Steps church in the background

Developers claim council planning committee refusal was “if not malevolent, certainly misguided”

Appeal against decision to deny fifth additional storey in build-to-rent scheme above Crankhouse Coffee accuses councillors of seeking to “appease the weight of objectors’ orchestrated opinion” against amendments to eleven year-old consent.

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