Exeter City Council

Exeter City Council

City Gate Hotel city wall repair cost rises to £585,000

The cost of repairs to a section of Exeter’s ancient city wall that collapsed alongside the City Gate Hotel more than five years ago has risen to £585,000.

Water Lane Supplementary Planning Document adopted

Exeter City Council has adopted a supplementary planning policy document intended to govern development at the Water Lane brownfield redevelopment site.

InExeter Business Improvement District operational area map crop

InExeter fifth term ballot budget agreed

Exeter City Council has approved a £7,000 budget to run a ballot for local businesses to decide whether Exeter’s Business Improvement District should continue to operate for a third five-year term from April next year.

Former vehicle breaker's yard development site entrance in Redhills

Planning inspector discounts highways authority responses to dismiss Redhills housing appeal

Decision concludes that development on former vehicle breaker’s yard would have posed ‘substantial danger’ to pedestrians and drivers in rural lane on city outskirts.

Exeter Science Park main building

Council sinks additional £1.25m into struggling Exeter Science Park as company unable to repay £7m debts

Serial scrutiny failures continue as emergency meeting held to increase city council exposure to joint venture to more than £2 million on top of £450,000 project costs plus £950,000 guarantee but rescue plan risks repeating earlier strategic mistakes.

Illustrative view of development beside Gabriel's Wharf

Revised Water Lane redevelopment plans submitted for outline approval

Application for up to 980 dwellings and up to 320 student bedspaces with 40,000m2 of other uses on ex-industrial site between railway embankment and Exeter Ship Canal obfuscates numerous key issues.

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