Exeter City Council

Exeter City Council

Exeter territorial emissions vs linear trajectory to zero by 2030

University study finds decarbonisation slowing as city council continues to pursue failing Net Zero Exeter 2030 plan

Exeter also set to miss national 2050 target on current trajectory while aviation, shipping and other excluded scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions mean annual city carbon footprint likely to be triple territorial total.

Royal Clarence Hotel in September 2024

Paternoster House developer takes on Royal Clarence Hotel rebuild after sale agreement reached with previous owners

Completion of restoration plans for five floors of luxury flats above ground floor and basement commercial units scheduled for April 2027, more than decade after historic Cathedral Yard building burnt down.

Frasers Group Paris Street and Sidwell Street leaseholds after Princesshay sale

Council aims at Frasers Group Citypoint partnership after retail leaseholds sold as part of Princesshay deal

Mike Ashley-owned sports goods and retail group became Paris Street and Sidwell Street landlord in October, prompting council to rethink options for former bus station and revisit comprehensive redevelopment of wider site stalled since 2017.

Grace Road Fields development illustrative aerial view

Council consults on Riverside Valley Park land sale without admitting heat plant proposals contravene local plan policy

4.5 acre Grace Road Fields plot “most suitable” for development despite Belle Isle Depot brownfield site location beside river on heat network distribution route.

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King George V playing fields proposed-layout aerial view

Exeter City Community Trust survey misses mark on King George V playing fields development plans

Council promised “wide-ranging, fully open public consultation” on future of 40 acre public open space when decision made to transfer land to trust, while outcome of statutory consultation on disposal remains unpublished.

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