Economy & Enterprise
Exeter Science Park main building

Council sinks additional £1.25m into struggling Exeter Science Park as company unable to repay £7m debts

Serial scrutiny failures continue as emergency meeting held to increase city council exposure to joint venture to more than £2 million on top of £450,000 project costs plus £950,000 guarantee but rescue plan risks repeating earlier strategic mistakes.

South West area employment rates 2012 to 2023 line graph

Exeter employment rate second lowest in South West for second year running

Economic inactivity levels related to large student and retiree population remain high, creating recruitment challenges from healthcare to refuse collection, but council celebrates top retirement destination ranking as ‘more good news’.

Belluno Italian restaurant in Newton St Cyres

Home Office fails in bid to shut down local restaurant

Hearing following December immigration raid revokes premises supervisor’s authority and briefly suspends but stops short of revoking premises licence.

Belluno Italian restaurant in Newton St Cyres

Home Office demands closure of local restaurant

The Home Office has asked Mid Devon District Council to revoke the premises licence at Belluno, an Italian restaurant in Newton St Cyres, effectively shutting down the business.

Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership area map

Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership to be wound up

Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership area map

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