Climate & Environment

Climate & Environment

Exeter energy recovery facility

District heating network planned for new South West Exeter development

Local councils are investing up to £7.3 million in a £23 million project to supply a development of 2500 homes with heat which depends on the Marsh Barton waste incinerator, Exeter’s largest single source of carbon emissions.

Climate change mitigation challenges infographic

University research consortium launches “Accelerate to Net Zero” project

The GW4 Alliance of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter universities has launched a collaborative project aimed at accelerating decarbonisation across South West England and Wales.

Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital Wonford NHS Trust parking sign

Hospital creates parking for 200 cars despite city climate crisis goals

Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital says new parking “temporary” but no end-date given in planning application and no hard evidence of need provided.

Net Zero Exeter 2030 plan proposals vs Exeter territorial emissions vs Exeter carbon footprint bar chart

Is the Net Zero Exeter plan fit for purpose?

Exeter City Futures’ carbon reduction plan ignores over a million tonnes of carbon emissions and massively underestimates the challenges facing the city.

Exeter City Futures Net Zero Exeter 2030 plan

Exeter City Council accepts climate emergency plan to make city carbon neutral by 2030

Chief Executive warns that resourcing the plan is “problematic” given COVID-19 financial challenges and that lack of resources limits the council’s capacity for immediate practical action.

Exeter City Futures Blueprint for a Carbon Neutral Exeter by 2030 graphic

Is Exeter finally responding to the climate emergency?

A surge of activity about action to combat climate change is taking place in Exeter, including the publication of a carbon neutral blueprint pending a ‘mobilisation summit’, but detail and evidence is still missing and community engagement is falling short of debate.

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