
The independent public interest journalism Exeter needs

Exeter borough constituency boundary changes initial proposals map

Proposed Exeter parliamentary constituency changes pit Priory against Pinhoe

City council responds to boundary commission consultation by proposing Conservative East Devon takes marginal Pinhoe and city keeps Priory Labour stronghold instead.

Peninsula Transport vision document cover image

30 year plan for SW transport outlined in consultation document

Strategic vision places investment in roads ahead of decarbonisation despite acknowledging the region’s high car dependency rate.

Job Centre Plus entrance

Exeter workers to be among hardest hit by £20 cut in universal credit

Analysis shows proportion of benefit claimants in Exeter in work is among highest in country.

Bar chart showing 2020 pollution incidents per 10,000km2 for the nine privatised water companies in England

South West Water misses pollution targets for tenth year running

Environment Agency says regional company’s performance “drags down the whole sector’s reputation” as report places it at bottom of annual assessment league table while company pays out millions in shareholder dividends.

Harlequins revised redevelopment scheme illustrative elevation

Harlequins developer plans to scrap hotel to build second “co-living” block on shopping centre site

Existing planning approval will be factor in decision to return to earlier, rejected, vision which would mean 383 studios and ‘cluster flat’ rooms along Paul Street.

Extinction Rebellion climate activist Imogen May

Environmental activist Imogen May defiant after second liability order for non-payment of council tax

Extinction Rebellion demonstrated at Exeter Law Courts in support of Crediton lone parent who has withheld council tax for two years in protest over government climate crisis inaction.

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