
The independent public interest journalism Exeter needs

City councillors low attendance at training sessions

Exeter City Council figures show low levels of attendance at councillor training sessions – fewer than half attended a local plan briefing and only a quarter turned up for a communications session – but near 100% participation in junkets at parks and waterways.

Maximum-permitted rent increase imposed on council housing tenants

Exeter City Council has imposed a 7% rent and service charge increase on council housing tenants – the maximum permitted.

City council to cut budgets by £4 million

Exeter City Council will have to make net savings of £3.835 million next year and reduce its reserves to a minimum despite an increase in central government funding according to its 2023-24 budget proposals.

Council postpones Exeter City Living 2023-24 business plan until after year end

Exeter City Council’s executive committee has agreed to postpone delivery of the 2023-24 Exeter City Living business plan until a fortnight after the financial year to which it applies begins – five months later than already agreed.

New ONS figures show low Exeter level four qualification attainment

The Office for National Statistics has published new local authority-level education statistics which show level four qualification attainment among Exeter residents at less than half the rate in the highest scoring area.

New ONS figures show low Exeter social housing and owner-occupation levels

The Office for National Statistics has published new local authority-level housing statistics which show lower levels of social housing and owner-occupation in Exeter than across England and Wales, and much lower levels of renewable energy-powered domestic heating systems.

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