
The independent public interest journalism Exeter needs

South West area employment rates 2012 to 2023 line graph

Exeter employment rate second lowest in South West for second year running

Economic inactivity levels related to large student and retiree population remain high, creating recruitment challenges from healthcare to refuse collection, but council celebrates top retirement destination ranking as ‘more good news’.

Proposed south elevation

Plans for flats in back gardens of Longbrook Street student HMOs submitted for approval

Application for six-bed three-storey block on what is now car park used by commuters does not address neighbourhood plan community balance concerns.

Larkbeare House

County council to sell land and buildings worth up to £10 million to raise money and cut costs

Wedding venue Larkbeare House and gardens, County Hall residential development land and Compass House, home of adult mental health service Talkworks, among assets for disposal as part of property rationalisation programme.

Southgate development site plan

Southgate development of up to 200 new flats on Magdalen Street car park to alter Western Way gyratory

Screening opinion concludes no significant environmental impact will result from Liveable Exeter scheme.

, updated

Proposed Summerland Street co-living block illustrative aerial view

Revised proposals for Summerland Street “co-living” block submitted

Developer of 147-bedspace six storey scheme on city council land claims it will contribute to local housing need, ensure ‘mixed and balanced communities’ and enhance the local conservation area.

NHS logo

Radiographers join consultants and junior doctors on strike at Royal Devon NHS Trust

First industrial action of its kind comes as government consults on plans to threaten health staff with dismissal to compel them to work on strike days.

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