
The independent public interest journalism Exeter needs

Council consults on elections polling arrangements

Exeter City Council is inviting public comments on its local and general elections polling arrangements before the publication of review proposals in December.

Council falls for company content marketing materials – again

Exeter City Council has again used its official communications channels to promote company brands by repeating content marketing materials, this time for a global financial services corporation and a London-based multinational marketing firm.

Musgrave House flats to return to commercial use

Proposals to convert nine city centre housing association flats in Musgrave Row to commercial use have been submitted to Exeter City Council.

Exeter Western bus corridor rejected Cowick Street scheme map crop

Cowick Street bus lane decision reversed

Devon County Council’s Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee has reversed its decision to introduce bus lane changes in Cowick Street.

24 stories for the 2024 summer recess image montage

24 stories for the 2024 summer recess

Catch up with a curated selection of Exeter Observer stories from the past twelve months while the team takes a short break from publishing to carry out essential website maintenance and development work.

Alison Hernandez and Mark Kingscote

Devon and Cornwall PCC defies Police and Crime Panel to appoint former Torbay colleague as deputy

Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez announced decision to hire Mark Kingscote on same day panel voted against appointment because “candidate does not meet the minimum requirements of the post”.

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