Martin Redfern

Martin Redfern is editor of Exeter Observer and a director of its publisher Exeter Observer Limited.

He writes many of our news stories and features, leads on investigations and maintains the Exeter Observer website.

Martin is an accredited UK press card holder, a member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists and the Society of Editors and holds a masters degree in Journalism with distinction at Birkbeck, University of London.

Stories by Martin Redfern

Exeter and Exmouth & Exeter East general elections candidates photo montage

Exeter and Exmouth & Exeter East 2024 general elections guide

Steve Race is sure to be the new Exeter MP, but the outcome in newly-created Exmouth & Exeter East is much less certain. Our guide covers predictions in both constituencies and Labour manifesto promises, limitations and likely local impacts.

Electoral Commission voting options graphic

When, where and how to vote in the 2024 Exeter and Exmouth & Exeter East general elections

Our guide to casting your ballot in person, by post and by proxy as well as voter ID requirements, new regulations for postal votes and constituency boundary changes.

Exeter Science Park main building

Council sinks additional £1.25m into struggling Exeter Science Park as company unable to repay £7m debts

Serial scrutiny failures continue as emergency meeting held to increase city council exposure to joint venture to more than £2 million on top of £450,000 project costs plus £950,000 guarantee but rescue plan risks repeating earlier strategic mistakes.

Illustrative view of development beside Gabriel's Wharf

Revised Water Lane redevelopment plans submitted for outline approval

Application for up to 980 dwellings and up to 320 student bedspaces with 40,000m2 of other uses on ex-industrial site between railway embankment and Exeter Ship Canal obfuscates numerous key issues.

Exeter City Council 2023-24 unaudited statement of accounts cover image

Annual inspection period begins as unaudited 2023-24 city council accounts published

Special information access rights enabling residents to examine records apply until 12 July as two preceding years’ accounts still not signed off and auditor’s inquiry into council governance and financial and performance management continues.

Howell Road garage student block illustrative elevation

Howell Road garage for sale a week after student block redevelopment plans granted at appeal

Developer denied he would “spin in and spin out and take my profit” at planning committee that approved “backstop” plans for nine flats on site, saying student block was “what we want to build”.

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