Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme modal filter illustration
Devon County Council is holding two further public exhibitions of the Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme from 4.30-6.30pm on 12 September at Whipton Community Hall and at the same time on 14 September at St Mark’s Church Hall.
County council representatives will attend to answer questions and hear feedback on the scheme trial at the two events.
The Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme trial began on 3 August. The first six months, to 2 February 2024, are a statutory consultation period during which residents and organisations are invited to comment on the scheme.
Modal filters (bollards or planters) and bus gates have initially been employed in five locations with the aim of reducing motor vehicle through traffic and increasing cycling and walking in the area, in which around 17,000 people live.
Heavitree & Whipton active streets scheme map
Changes based on consultation responses may be made to the scheme layout during the trial, which will run for up to eighteen months, in which case a further six month statutory consultation would begin.
Feedback on the scheme can be submitted via a county council webpage or on paper copies of the consultation form, which will be available at the public exhibitions.
The form can also be requested by phoning 0345 155 1004, emailing exeterstreets@devon.gov.uk or writing to Devon County Council Transport Planning at County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QD.