Application for change of use of existing building to be followed by application for demolition and replacement with much taller student accommodation complex following two rounds of informal public consultation on scheme.
Cumulative SEND deficit now expected to peak at £227m while deal targets set to be missed every year to 2032, risking County Hall bankruptcy if government withdraws support.
Exeter also set to miss national 2050 target on current trajectory while aviation, shipping and other excluded scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions mean annual city carbon footprint likely to be triple territorial total.
Completion of restoration plans for five floors of luxury flats above ground floor and basement commercial units scheduled for April 2027, more than decade after historic Cathedral Yard building burnt down.
Appointment follows suspension of acting Chief Constable Jim Colwell, recruited following suspension of Chief Constable Will Kerr, as force pays salaries of all three.
Second informal consultation follows council decision that development does not require Environmental Impact Assessment.
Move to replace resident views on key decisions and policies with opinion polls and selective questionnaires follows serial failure to uphold own consultation charter.
£7m demolition, construction and refurbishment of facility remains unfunded after £1m+ project development process as council explores “a number of funding sources” including up to £2m from Sport England.
Mike Ashley-owned sports goods and retail group became Paris Street and Sidwell Street landlord in October, prompting council to rethink options for former bus station and revisit comprehensive redevelopment of wider site stalled since 2017.
Council promised “wide-ranging, fully open public consultation” on future of 40 acre public open space when decision made to transfer land to trust, while outcome of statutory consultation on disposal remains unpublished.